Friday, January 25, 2013

Vision Questing

I'm packed up and ready to head to International Falls, MN tomorrow morning for my second running of the Arrowhead 135.  For those interested, you can follow my progress through one of the magical interweb portals below.  I can't promise much as far as updates go, but I'll try to throw out a few twits whenever I discover internet access.

Official race updates and time splits.

Arrowhead Facebook.

My Twitter handle: @10ftmidget

The race starts Monday morning at 7am and should finish for me sometime Tuesday afternoon or evening.  With any luck I'll regain some measure of coherence by Wednesday morning. Have a good weekend!


  1. Good luck buddy! You'll Rock it, that I know!!

  2. Vision questing tomorrow night, Mother Fugger.

    xoxo, Charles
